Page 25 - 2021-Fall-Winter Magazine_Club-Braman
P. 25

As a partner at West Palm Beach’s Searcy Denney   her black on black 2020 Porsche Taycan.
                            Scarola Barnhart & Shipley firm, she has dedicated
                            more than two decades of her life helping her clients   Though her husband had owned an EV for years, Sia
                            attempt to piece together shattered lives and homes.   had remained a skeptic; wary of giving up the sense of
                            Though what they lost means the puzzle never quite   control and comfort that came with the omnipresence
                            fits together the same, her clients often confess they   of gas stations. That changed in an instant when
                            have gained a new member of their family through her.  she caught her first glimpse of Porsche’s all-electric
                                                                           magnum opus.
                            Though her profession is burdened by emotional
                            peaks and valleys, Sia embraces the responsibility that   At the time, Sia knew not of the badge or method of
                            comes with the ability to offer assistance that can’t be   motivation; only that she had to have her own.
                            found elsewhere. The public-facing billboards and
                            television commercials touting millions of dollars in   While the Taycan’s beauty sparked infatuation, and
                            settlements don’t acknowledge the less glamorous   its performance and efficiency led to affection, the
                            necessities—like the creation of trusts, ongoing   conscientious home delivery, extensive education,
                            physical therapy appointments, or home renovations   and patient attention to her questions exemplified the
                            required to accommodate wheelchairs and personal   personal touch that only Braman Motorcars provides.
                            care assistants. Sia’s clients depend on her humane   It’s a process that doesn’t neglect the fact that there is a
                            counsel far more than on headline-grabbing payouts.   human being on the other side of the transaction; one
                                                                           who is looking for direction and assurance. It’s also one
                            Unwavering support is a value that Sia has found   that Sia deeply understands and appreciates.
                            emulated at Porsche West Palm Beach. While she had
                            patronized the Braman Motorcars campus before and   The final verdict: yet another family has welcomed her
                            recognized the unrivaled white-glove service, it was   in with open arms.
                            asimple coincidence that resulted in the purchase of

                                                                           Club Braman Member Sia Baker-Barnes


  HUMANITY CAN BE FOUND IN ITS MOST RAW   For those not so fortuitous however, the effects
 form during times of devastation. It is when   of one terrible moment can ripple throughout a
 others are suffering the worst that the best of who   lifetime. Though the pain may never completely
 and what we are is often revealed. While it may   subside, principled guidance can lead toward a
 be perceived as unfortunate that only extreme   path of healing. For her clients, Sia Baker-Barnes
 tragedy begets extreme compassion, luckily a   acts as this beacon of humanity; leading them
 majority of us will continue leading charmed lives,   through the arduous process of their personal
 never being stripped to our most vulnerable.   injury trials.

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