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Peter’s Porsche path was set in motion by his father, It is a personification of his dear friend’s own legacy,
LEGACIES CAN BE SUBSTANTIAL SUBJECTS. who attended an Austrian engineering school with and one Peter is keen to combine with his own.
For some, attempting to live up to theirs can be none other than Ferry Porsche himself. Thus, Peter An active member in the New Jersey sect of the Porsche
a lifelong burden; for others, leaving one is an grew up admiring the rear-engined icons until finally Club of America, Peter was eager to join in the local
inexhaustibly idealistic pursuit. Peter Krones is purchasing his first, a 993 example, in 1997. What chapter’s camaraderie under the year-round Jupiter
one of the fortunate few who has not only realized followed was a succession of 18 P-cars—most of them sunshine. He soon grew disheartened however, as the
his predetermined destiny, but established his 911s. His characteristic loyalty extended beyond the furthest north a majority of the events materialized
own. Found at the heart of both, is the world’s brand as well, with Braman Motorcars GM Steve was Boca Raton. It appeared a no-man’s land existed
quintessential sports car marque. Grossman was in some way or another involved in between Palm Beach County and the central region of
nearly all of the transactions. the state. That is, until December of 2020.
Their relationship was established decades ago, Peter is now a co-founder and sitting board member
when Peter and his wife Susanne purchased a BMW of the PCA’s newest chapter, dubbed the Gulfstream
from Steve as an anniversary present, back in their Region—established to serve Porschephiles from West
home state of New Jersey. Shortly afterward, Steve Palm to Vero Beach with the first-class events, track days,
informed the two of an opportunity he’d been awarded and charitable projects that they have coveted for years.
in South Florida. A healthy dab of jealousy over the
temperate climate he’d soon be galavanting off to As an immediate proof of concept, the group amassed
notwithstanding, Peter bid him a fond farewell. more than 260 members within six months—many of
them Club Braman members themselves. This past
Some ten years later, the relationship was reignited September saw Porsche West Palm Beach co-host a
when Peter and Susanne made their own permanent Cars and Coffee-style morning meetup; the first of
move south. In addition to the mild winters that greeted many to come.
them, they found that the entire Braman Motorcars
experience—from purchase to product; sales to Peter’s is a burgeoning legacy that Braman Motorcars
service—had clearly been crafted in Steve’s ethos; with is honored to be a part of—and one of which Peter’s
GM Mo Rezza a particular stand out. father, and his friend Ferry, would certainly be proud.
To learn more about, or join the Gulfstream Region
Club Braman Members Peter and Susanne Krones
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