Page 52 - 2021-Fall-Winter Magazine_Club-Braman
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Of course, because it is a Porsche, there is an epilogue. through a test lap of the PBIR road course within each
The Taycan can do and mean more, if so desired. edition of the Taycan’s autobiography. Leading the
Its dormant sporting DNA can only properly be way in brightly colored 911 Carreras were professional
discovered within the controlled chaotic confines of a instructors on loan from Porsche’s Birmingham, AL.
racetrack however. Fortunately, two heroes—Porsche driving school. Tethered to the Taycans via walkie
West Palm Beach and Palm Beach International talkies, the day’s hotshoes provided coaching and
Raceway—recently combined forces to help write encouragement through braking zones and apexes, as
a new chapter in the lives of several fortunate Club well as valiant attempts to stave off the hard charging
Braman Porsche owners. 600+ horsepower Turbo models along the back
Though unlike any Porsche before it, once speeds and
G-forces begin to escalate the Taycan makes its place Despite the nearly triple-digit temperatures of the
in the marque’s anthology obvious. The speed of the South Florida summer, each Taycan performed
911, matched with the Cayman’s precision and the flawlessly. Batteries retained boost, brakes continued
Panamera’s all-around balance have coalesced into a biting, and tires held tight from early morning through
respectable sequel to Porsche’s first nine decades of late afternoon.
internal combustion performance excellence.
At the end of each respective session came an
Best of all, there’s an adaptation for everyone. unexpected postscript: hot laps authored by the
instructors for those interested. Each began with a
Participants were welcomed to sample the recently violent, neck-snapping full-fledged launch before a
released RWD variant, median 4S, and the twin titans hard jaunt throughout the course, now at the mercy
of the Turbo and Turbo S. of far more capable pilots. After such a display of
the Taycan’s ultimate potential, it was easy to finally
Organized into quartets spread between morning and understand why this has become Stuttgart’s latest
afternoon sessions, each Club Braman member was bestseller.
granted the opportunity to alternately drive and ride
ENCYCLOPEDIA ELECTRONICA Browse the full Taycan library now
NUMBERS CAN IN FACT DISCLOSE THE WHOLE STORY. The entire tale of Porsche’s all-electric Taycan is told
through its unrivaled horsepower, torque, and range figures. There is no additional context necessary; this
powerful, efficient, brilliant beauty could devote its existence simply to ferrying occupants from point to point,
never failing to deliver a smile with every silent start up.
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