Page 56 - 2021-Fall-Winter Magazine_Club-Braman
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Equal measures excitement, relief, warm From arrival, this event was unlike any before
salt grains and waning golden sunlight, it. Members handed their prized vehicles
the atmosphere was rife outside The Ben to The Ben’s professional valet staff, before
Hotel in downtown West Palm Beach for the being whisked from the entrance lobby to the
triumphant return of Club Braman events. rooftop level promenade, where they were
July’s Casino Night was set to conclude greeted with $500 in playable wages and
nearly 18 months of COVID-19 mandated a brimming glass of wine. Floor-to-ceiling
dormancy—and act as the debut of an glass windows simultaneously contained the
evolved membership experience. Though revelry while offering picturesque views of
expectations were understandably high, they Palm Beach Island and the sun-tinged crests
were somehow still exceeded—in classic Club of the Atlantic Ocean beyond.
Braman fashion.
Slot machines, roulette wheels, blackjack and framed copies of their stories, while the
craps tables combined with a full bar and night’s exciting conclusion was marked with
personal Hor d’oeuvres evoked shades of a numerous prizes and the awarding of the
mini Monte Carlo. While seasoned members inaugural Club Braman Casa de Campo 7-day,
immediately felt at home, those of the more 6-night vacation to one fortuitous member.
than 270 attendees who had only recently
upgraded their dealership experience were Refusing to let the festivities end, many
paused in awe. It was certainly not business members and their guests dispersed
as usual—this was a Club Braman that had throughout The Ben, ordering dinner or
emerged on the other side of adversity more seeking a nightcap beside the rooftop terrace.
sophisticated, more accessible, and even Though the first, this particular Casino Night
more entertaining. is far from the last; meaning Club Braman
members will have even more opportunities
The later hours of the night brought more soon to attend—and possibly win— their
firsts as several former Club Braman own experience of a lifetime.
Magazine features were presented with
To browse a calendar of upcoming and past
events, visit
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