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THE More Perks for
Business Network
WHILE OUR AWESOME EVENTS and exclusive Business categories include advertising
performances get most of the attention, one services, dining, health and wellness, real
of the most advantageous perks of Club estate, cosmetics, and more.
Braman membership is access to the unique
professional opportunities provided by our Any Club Braman business owner or general
Business Network. manager can apply for inclusion. The initial
form takes no more than 5 minutes to
Club Braman business members pay no fees, complete, and the qualification process is
and can display a logo, company biography, identical to that of standard Club Braman
and backlink to their websites on the Club membership—which means your company
Braman site, as well as provide information will enjoy the benefits of our Business
on incentives for their products and services Network for three full years.
offered to all of our 14,000 Club Braman
members who are encouraged to support To learn more, or submit an application,
fellow businesses. visit, and click on the
Business Network link.
The Ultimate
Driving Machine ®
Some of Our Business Network Members Include
The generous configuration and premium features in the BMW X7 evoke a feeling of spacious
freedom while the engineering ensures driving comfort from the inside out.
There’s plenty of room for all in this spacious SAV. Enjoy seating for seven with second-row
bench seats as standard, or opt for the optional six-seat configuration with all-electric Captain’s
Enjoy a curated collection of life-improving technology – from standard safety features to cut-
ting-edge developments in onboard driver assistance systems.
Contact a Client Advisor at Braman BMW to schedule a test-drive today.
Braman BMW West Palm Beach Braman BMW Jupiter
2901 Okeechobee Blvd. 1555 W. Indiantown Rd.
561-609-0118 561-203-8796
Exclusively distributed by BMW of North America, LLC.
©2021 BMW of North America, LLC. The BMW name, model names and logo are registered trademarks. 61