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            I became involved with the Astronaut Scholarship
            Foundation (ASF) in 1994 while I was Director of the
            Kennedy Space Center. The foundation was started by
            the original Mercury Seven Astronauts in 1984 to provide
            scholarships to especially bright college students studying
            Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM)
            subjects. Since its inception, astronauts from the Mercury,
            Gemini, Apollo, Skylab and Space Shuttle programs have all
            embraced the ASF’s noble mission. Like them, I also believe
            it is important to encourage these type of skills in our youth.
            Starting in 2001, I served on the Board of Directors, and for a   Virgin Galactic
            few years I was the Vice Chairman of the Board.  While I’m no
            longer on the Board, I continue to support the foundation.
            ASF partners with industry leaders, universities, and
            individual donors to reward the best and brightest
            university students pursuing STEM degrees with substantial
            scholarships. The prestigious Astronaut Scholarship is
            known nationwide for being among the largest merit-based
            monetary scholarships awarded to undergraduate juniors
            and seniors. ASF forges a life-long relationship with each
            Astronaut Scholar and provides them with professional
            and personal development and networking with mentors,
            astronauts, executives, and industry leaders to help advance
            their careers.
            The mission of the ASF is to aid the United States in
            retaining its world leadership position in technology and
            innovation, by supporting the best and brightest scholars
            in science, technology, engineering and mathematics—
            while commemorating the legacy of America’s pioneering                                                                    THE NEW MINI COOPER COUNTRYMAN
            The ASF’s vision is to encourage and facilitate Astronaut
            Scholars in embodying the highly-respected characteristics                                                                SURPRISINGLY SPACIOUS. UNDENIABLY MINI.
            of astronauts, such as intelligence, ambition, self-motivation,
            ethical standards, persistence, tenacity, adaptability,
            and inspire their passion for science, exploration, and                                                                   The new MINI Countryman featuring a newly updated design, along with enhancements in technology
            innovation. This focus will aid in placing the best American
            scholars in positions that will positively change and               Blue Origin                      SpaceX               and equipment offerings. Most importantly it retains MINI’s “fun-to-drive” character and expressive
            influence society.                                                                                                        design that makes it instantly recognizable as MINI. As the largest and most versatile member of
            WHAT DO ASPIRING ASTRONAUTS NEED TO SUCCEED IN SUCH A   IF YOU COULD TRAVEL ANYWHERE IN THE SOLAR SYSTEM, WHERE           the MINI model family, the new MINI Countryman offers individual flair in the hallmark style of the
            UNIQUE AND DEMANDING CAREER?                   WOULD YOU GO?                                                              British premium brand.
            The requirements for astronauts continue to evolve as space   That’s an easy answer: our beautiful spacecraft Planet Earth.
            travel changes, so I can only speak for myself: it involved   This is the only habitable place in our solar system. It would
            tenacity, training, and a whole lot of luck!   of course be interesting to visit the Moon and Mars, but you
                                                           wouldn’t want to live there for any extended period of time.
                                                                                                                                      FOR THE DRIVE.

                            Braman Motorcars is a proud benefactor of the ASF, recently donating $5,000 and honoring
                            Captain Crippen at July’s Casino Royale event. To support Captain Crippen and donate to the
                            Astronaut Scholarship Foundation, visit
                                                                                                                                      BRAMAN MINI PALM BEACH
                            To Read the Club Braman story of Robert Crippen in our Fall/Winter 2018 edition, visit
                                                                                                     2901 Okeechobee Blvd.                              (561) 571-3083
                                                                                                                                      West Palm Beach, FL 33409                

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