Page 31 - 2022-Spring Summer Magazine_FINAL Single_Neat
P. 31

As it would turn out, that was just where   For his courageous service, Franklin was
                            he found himself. Under none other than   awarded three Purple Hearts, two Bronze Star
                            General George S. Patton, Franklin was   Medals, one Silver Star Medal, five battle stars,
                            dispatched to Normandy, France. His    and Victory and Occupation medals from the
                            combat assignments took him throughout   U.S. military. He was also recognized with the
                            Central Europe—being wounded twice     French Legion de Honor Medal, and the WWII
                            in Luxembourg, helping to liberate the   Liberation medal from the Czech Republic—
                            Mauthausen Concentration Camp in       which he revisited in 2017 as honorary Grand
                            Austria, and suffering wounds once more   Marshal for the Liberation Anniversary
                            in the liberation of Czechoslovakia—before   Celebration in Pilsen, CZ—and was most
                            completing his duties and receiving an   recently awarded the Order of Merit of the
                            honorable discharge in 1946.           Grand Duchy of Luxembourg for assisting in
                                                                   the country’s liberation from Nazi Germany.

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