Page 43 - 2022-Spring Summer Magazine_FINAL Single_Neat
P. 43

Then, rising above the deafening voices of his own self-
            doubt, an unfamiliar cadence emerged–the rhythmic
            drumming of approaching feet. He stole a glance back
            to catch the quickly disappearing silhouette of a fellow
            competitor who had reached the same fork, and turned
            left–toward the remaining half of the course. The man
            was a double-amputee, undoubtedly facing a far more
            challenging finish–yet he persevered. Gritting his teeth,
            David followed.

            Four years later and a lifetime removed, Palm Beach
            Symphony was quickly approaching a turning point of its
            own. For nearly four decades, the institution had served
            the community—hosting sophisticated, though modest
            concerts for its loyal but admittedly aging demographic.
            While surviving for 40 years is a success by any measure,
            the Symphony’s database was dwindling and years of
            six-figure operational losses had brought the once proud
            organization to the brink.

            Having grown up locally, David was well aware of the
            Symphony’s prestigious history—but its dormant
            potential was what intrigued and frustrated him as
            incoming CEO. The status quo would simply not do;
            immediate changes were necessary to recapture the
            former glory.

            Fortunately, David had a game plan. One honed by
            his competitive nature, physical training, and years
            commanding businesses and nonprofits. At its core were
            three essential pillars: Palm Beach Symphony would set a
            course to Engage, Educate, and Entertain.

            Now with its Golden Anniversary nearing, the
            turnaround has been nothing short of theatrical.

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