Page 50 - 2022-Spring Summer Magazine_FINAL Single_Neat
P. 50


              CARS BRING US TOGETHER. Not only   Arguably, BMW’s legendary super sedan   This passion grows from legitimate
            in the literal sense of travel or a shared   originally spawned the concept of the   roots; it isn’t by chance that the M3 is
            space for two or more of us at a time;   Ultimate Driving Machine. Throughout   celebrated as the quintessential do-it-
            something about these machines       the model’s evolution—from four      all vehicle. Each iteration is considered
            constructed of rubber, metal, and volatile   cylinders, to six, to eight; from natural   the best yet—a further perfection of a
            liquids derived from beasts long extinct   inhalation to multiple turbochargers; from   winning formula that cannot conceivably
            unites us in an esoteric way.        two doors to four, and fixed to convertible   be improved, until the arrival of the
                                                 roofs—fans of the M3 have remained   next. So it is with the current 2022 M3
            It can be found in the twinge of     intractably loyal, purchasing and fitting   and M4. The G80 is longer and wider,
            familiarity when we spot our automotive   each variation to their current lifestyles.   providing even more interior comfort and
            doppelgänger. We wave, or flash our                                       practicality, while the infusion of more
            lights. Sometimes we give a subtle nod   Along the way, they also found each   power and technology than ever before
            meant only for ourselves. Momentary   other. Across the world, groupings of   has produced a chassis capable of lapping
            recognition isn’t enough for all, though.   M3 enthusiasts regularly meet either for   the Nurburgring in a tick over seven
            A large subset of drivers actively seek out   weekly coffee breaks or annual gatherings   and a half minutes—8 seconds quicker
            their fellow owners to discuss, admire,   of thousands at a time. Their shared love   than last generation’s top dog M3 CS. A
            and revel together. Perhaps none of these   for the marque’s longest-tenured, most   revitalized list of available paint codes
            subcultures are as distinct, passionate,   decorated, and best-selling M car brings   pay homage to the car’s international
            or visible than those who worship at the   owners from all walks of life together.  appeal, with hues by the name of Isle
            alter of the BMW M3.                                                      of Man Green, Sao Paulo Yellow, and
                                                                                      Portimão Blue.

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