Page 37 - V1_2020-Fall-Winter Magazine
P. 37

To learn more about Zuccarelli’s and browse their many delicious offerings, visit

 The key to her restaurant’s enduring success is simple, if   That’s why, in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, her top   Additionally, as of publication, the inside bar area   Olimpia returned to Braman Motorcars to
 you ask Olimpia Zuccarelli. In a word, Famiglia .  priority was ensuring her staff’s livelihoods. Fortunately,   will have been transformed into a true Italian   purchase her 2019 BMW X5 because she believes
 Zuccarelli’s has experienced zero turnover, retaining every   Market—allowing guests to purchase the same   the dealership is run according to the same
 In the late ‘70s, Olimpia’s father moved the family south   single employee—including those that have been with her   authentic ingredients, cookies, pastries, bread, and   values and principles her family has adhered to
 from Westchester, NY, setting down roots with the original   for over 15 years!  wine that have made Zuccarelli’s famous.  in their business for decades. One recent way this
 Zucarelli’s location in Pompano Beach. The goal was a                 has manifested is in how Braman Motorcars has
 straightforward, though not entirely simple one: Bring   As far as regular customers are concerned, the coronavirus   In Olimpia’s mind, helping customers bring the   gone above and beyond to promote and support
 genuine Italian specialties to South Florida residents.   failed to impact their enjoyment of Zuccarelli’s delicious   Zuccarelli’s kitchen home is simply another way   Zuccarelli’s in the wake of COVID-19, efforts that
 Originality could not be compromised however, and to this   fare in the least. Olimpia has been offering curbside pickup   to welcome all into her family. Olimpia’s emphasis   Olimpia says she will never forget. As a result, Club
 day all signature Zuccarelli dishes utilize imported cheeses,   and takeout options for years and since this past spring, has   on family, customer service, and doing the right   Braman members can enjoy a 15% discount on
 meats, and pastas from Italy. Olimpia’s father and uncles   partnered with UberEats.  thing is a large part of why she is a proud Braman   menu items—indefinitely.
 even continued the tradition of making their own sausages   Motorcars customer and Club Braman partner.
 in-house.  That isn’t to say there haven’t been a few changes. In a bold   She purchased her first BMW 525i from Braman   During uncertain times, family is often the only
 entrepreneurial gamble, Zuccarelli’s invested in chilling   BMW West Palm Beach in 1988, and has only driven   thing one can rely on. Fortunately for fans of
 Maintaining an intimate culture may seem easy as a family-  equipment and an inventory of take-out solutions amid   examples of The Ultimate Driving Machine since.   authentic Italian cuisine and an old world approach
 owned business with many extended members active both   the pandemic to bring their delicious food from their   In fact, she credits her 6-Series for saving her life   to customer service, the doors at Zuccarelli’s remain
 in front and back of the house, but developing a faithful   restaurant directly to their customers’ oven, microwave   when a truck traveling 60 mph hit her at a stoplight.   open, and there’ll always be a seat at Olimpia’s table,
 kinship among her employees and customers is perhaps   or freezer. She calls it, “Grab & Go.” Selections can simply   Within seconds, the BMW’s built-in assistance   for family.
 Olimpia’s most impressive, and proudest, accomplishment.   be warmed up and enjoyed, and include dishes such as   program notified first responders and remained on
 Chicken Marsala, Baked Ziti, Penne a la Vodka, and more.  the line with her until they arrived.

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