Page 6 - V1_2020-Fall-Winter Magazine
P. 6

Still, being a roadster demands delicious
                                                                                                                                       aesthetics. Though the classic sports
                                                                                                                                       car proportions of an elongated hood
                                                                                                                                       and stumpy rear are present, there’s no
                                                                                                                                       penalty for them from behind that chunky
                                                                                                                                       steering wheel. Visibility front and rear is
            Zuperlative                                                                                                                underscores the idea that cruising topless
                                                                                                                                       fantastic, particularly with the top stowed.
                                                                                                                                       The lack of invasive exterior noise further
                                                                                                                                       should always be one’s preferred method.

                                                                                                                                          The 254-horsepower Z4 sDrive30i starts at $49,700.
                                                                                                                                          The 382-horsepower Z4 sDrive40i starts at $63,700.
                                                                                                                                          Both models are now available for test drives at Braman   Despite the increased attention paid to performance, the
                                                                                                                                          BMW West Palm Beach and Braman BMW Jupiter.        2020 Z4 is more than content to leisurely stroll between Palm
                                                          THE “Z” DESIGNATION BESTOWED upon Munich’s succession of small                                                                     Beach and Delray. It doesn’t ever jostle its occupants, or feel
                                                        roadsters has always proven symbolic. Eschewing the traditional                                                                      too small—as perfectly suited to day-to-day activities as a
                                                        numeric label for the trailing letter of the English alphabet, the                                                                   2-passenger convertible can be. However, should Sport mode
                                                        Z-Series was ironically never top-of-mind. This wasn’t due to a lack                                                                 be activated, 99% of the general population won’t ever come
                                                        of design flair or brilliant marketing strategy—who could forget the                                                                 close to touching the limits of this chassis. The razor-sharp
                                                        Z3’s iconic 1995 debut in James Bond’s GoldenEye—however the latter                                                                  front end responds seemingly instantly, and the rear follows
                                                        part of the 20th century brought the rise of the SUV, as well as stiff                                                               with a slight delay—the onboard safety aides allowing for a
                                                        competition from the more sporting Porsche Boxster.                                                                                  bit of tail-wagging before intruding, should you desire. Taken
                                                                                                                                                                                             altogether, there is no other sports car currently available
                                                        Of course, the 1990s have long passed; and the 2020 BMW Z4 is no                                                                     that is more suited to both daily life and the occasional
                                                        longer an also-ran.                                                                                                                  bellicose jaunt.

                                                        Make no mistake, many of the Grand Touring elements that grew                                                                        Finally, the letter “Z” has earned a place at the front of the line
                                                        overly-pronounced in the previous generations have been carried                                                                      in South Florida.
                                                        over…but no longer at the expense of an exciting and engaging
                                                        driving experience. Drivers will remove the top in the Z4 not to be
                                                        better seen by others, but to further immerse themselves in the thrill
                                                        of aggressive acceleration.

                                                        This shift in focus is immediately apparent throughout the cabin.
                                                        While offering an incredible range of comfortable positions, the sight
                                                        lines and placement of the controls feel best when hunkered down
                                                        inches from the floorboard. The abnormally thick steering wheel
                                                        is rock solid and confidence-inspiring. The brake pedal provides
                                                        plenty of initial bite, while remaining linear throughout its travel.
                                                        It’s typically unnoticed aspects like these that have a more dramatic
                                                        impact on the daily driving experience than headline-grabbing
                                                        horsepower figures or wild design cues.

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