Page 10 - langebaan
P. 10
High School Art is not what you see, but what you make others see
Emma Carroll Hannah Nielsen
Emma investigated themes around mental health and Hannah’s point of departure is an environmental one
highlighted that these are current and relevant discus- and specifically the toxicity of plastic pollution in our
sion we should be having, yet it still is greatly a subject environment. This became her vehicle to investigate
with brings with it a certain quality of discomfort and issues around Identity. As a grade 12 student, one’s
prejudice. It is not a black and white subject with clear identity is often in flux with so many external and
cut answers and often sits in an unspoken and in an internal factors which dictates and challenges one’s
inbetween space within oneself and those in others. sense of Identity.
Known yet unknown.
Fortune, which is her horse, became the vehicle for One find oneself often with our hands in our heads
inner conversations and conversation between Man processing human emotions within one self. Processing
and Beast. all of these emotions are conversations to the Self.