Page 12 - BiTS_05_MAY_2024_Neat
P. 12

the top part of the stage on a catwalk and sing gospel songs as the acts would change to divert
      the attention of the audience from the changing scenery below.

      So I was singing these gospel blues classics during this show and at the end of the run, the lead

      actor of the show, his name was Ruben Santiago-Hudson, told me that my voice was perfectly
      suited for the blues, and he gave me a CD collection called “Men Are Like Street Cars”. It was a
      two-disc collection, all-female blues artists from 1928 to 1969. I think it was like 46 tracks, and
                                                                           I consumed that collection in short
                                                                           order, and it was transformative. So
          Early Times
                                                                           I  went  back  to  the  guys,  the

                                                                           remaining  members  of  my  band
                                                                           Cole Connection.

                                                                           I said, how about we switch things
                                                                           up and become a blues band? Off the
                                                                           top  of  my  head,  I  said,  let's  call

                                                                           ourselves Misty Blues. And so about
                                                                           two  months  later  we  started
                                                                           performing out as Misty Blues and
                                                                           almost exclusively doing songs from
                                                                           that CD collection. So we were like
                                                                           a  female  blues  cover  band

                                                                           BiTS:    I  guess  when  you  were  at
                                                                           college, it was not your intention to
                                                                           be a musician. What did you intend
                                                                           to do?

                                                                           GC:    No,  no.  I  don't  know  what  I

                                                                           intended  to  do.  I  was  a  little  lost,
      quite frankly. I was an English major, so when I graduated, I became a teacher’s aide in a school
      that wasn't too far from where I went to college, which was Williams College.

      BiTS:  Tell me something about how Misty Blues has developed over the years. I gather that,
      for instance, your son plays with the band now. Is that right?

      GC:  That is correct. I mean, he's been doing some cameo appearances with the band ever since
      he was nine [laughs], but after the pandemic, he became more and more instrumental, and we

      started writing music together.

      BiTS:  Oh, that's wonderful. Were you badly affected by the pandemic? Were there lots of gigs
      cancelled and that sort of thing?

      GC:  Oh my gosh, everything was cancelled [laughs], but we were not defeated. We performed
      every week. We did a live stream show every week. So from the first show that was cancelled

      on us, my home has an attic rehearsal space, and I told the band let's go up to the attic and let's
      put on this Facebook live thing and cover our gig. And I thought that was going to happen maybe
      once or twice, and then it was like 50-some odd weeks of doing that [chuckling], but we never
      stopped performing.
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