Page 37 - BiTS_03_MARCH_2024
P. 37
MM: Thank you. It's very difficult. It's really difficult that. I don't have a favourite track, but maybe
the one that springs to mind, ‘Slow Down Billy’, the second track, that is a result of that jam session
when we met back in March 2020. We came back from the pub. We’d had a couple of beers. We sat
with two acoustic guitars, and we jammed. No
singing, just jamming guitars. That was the basis of
what ‘Slow Down Billy’ is because I kept saying that
was brilliant. We should build a song out of that.
What we did on the acoustic guitars, me playing the
National guitar playing slide and you playing the
classical guitar because he just picked up his nylon
string classical and jammed. You know, we were
just jamming and that was how ‘Slow Down Billy’
came about. So maybe there's a little bit of that in
there that I feel. It's very hard to say because every
one of those songs I'm very passionate about and
they mean a lot because you give a lot to making it.
BiTS: Tell me about the title track, ‘Mostly We
Drive’ because when I first saw the title, I thought
that’s something to do with gigging musicians
travelling around the country, but it's not quite like
that, is it?
MM: [Laughing] No, no, no. Somewhere I heard someone say or something, either it was in the
film, or I can't actually remember where I heard it, but one day we die, the rest we’re alive, and
that really stuck with me. I just thought what a great little phrase and it's so true. One day we die,
the rest we’re alive. That really nails it. And then I started thinking, what can I do with that? I just
thought, well, some days we walk, but mostly we drive
[chuckles], which was sort of the equivalent, you know, it just
seemed to fit perfectly with it. That was where that idea came The Michael Messer
from. “Lightning”
BiTS: It's a terrific song. I love it.
MM: Thank you very much. I wrote that, sang it into my
phone. I just went over to Chaz's and said I've got this song
we should try and work on. It was the summer of 2022? Yes.
Yes, it was. We went to a place down the road, a little café.
Chaz lives in Muswell Hill, a little place there, and we sat
outside at the back of the little café, and we played that off
my phone, on the table. Pretty much there and then, Chaz
kind of thought, I know what to do with this. I've got a great
idea. So we went back to his place and quite quickly, that song
came together. Of course, I’ve forgotten one other thing was
it was Chaz’s 70th birthday in April of 22, so a little bit earlier
in the summer, must have been spring, I had given Chaz a
guitar for a present. You know I have a guitar company?
I had given Chaz a resonator guitar and he wanted to use it
on a track, so that came out. That was the first time we'd got
together since his birthday, so it must have been May, I would
imagine. So it was a nice spring day rather than summer. So
that was the first thing we'd done since his birthday, and he