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plays with Bruce, and it'd be interesting to be able to collaborate with Bruce. I think that would
    be fun.

                                                                             BiTS:  That would be absolutely
                  Gary Nicholson and Delbert McClinton                       fabulous. Let's hope it comes to
                                                                             pass someday.

                                                                             GN:  Yeah, that'd be great. That'd
                                                                             be really great.

                                                                             BiTS:  Gary, I'm not going to take
                                                                             any  more  of  your  time.  Thank
                                                                             you for agreeing to speak to me
                                                                             and thank you for speaking to me
                                                                             and  this  will  be  published  in  a
                                                                             magazine that I run called Blues
                                                                             in the South, which is actually, of
                                                                             course, the South of England, not
                                                                             the South of the States.

    GN:  Oh, that's okay. Thank you. I'd love to come to England and perform solo as Gary or to do
    some Whitey Johnson performances as well.

    BiTS:  We'd love to see you here.

    GN:  I'd love to do it.

    BiTS:  Okay, Gary, I won't take any more of your time. Thank you very much indeed for talking
    to me and have a wonderful rest of the day.

    GN:  Thank you so much.

    BiTS:  Thank you. Bye.

    GN:  Bye. Bye-bye.

                              Whitey Johnson - Memphis Women and Fried Chicken
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