Page 25 - BiTS_04_APRIL_2024_Neat
P. 25

place to place, trying to see as many people as possible. So we thought alright, let's do an extra
    week this time and take a whole month away for it. So yeah, it's exciting.

    BiTS: Are you organising gigs, or is it just a kind of random turn-up and play?

    SL:  So it's like a working holiday, I guess. Last time we were very fortunate. Well, Vince has got
    lots of friends over there who are very keen to play, so there's a few promoters over. There's a
    great guy called Cadillac Zack, who puts on brilliant blues gigs over there and we hooked up with
    him. Our friend in San Diego, Rick Lee, who's a bit of a legend over there, he plays drums, and he
    joined us and put some gigs on at Gator by the Bay Festival and things like this. And so this time,
    it's kind of an extension on that. Rick has very kindly got us some more gigs. We're going to do
    the Cadillac Zack thing again and we’re playing the Blues Festival again. So yeah, it's going to be
                                                                                          kind of hitting some of
                                                                                          the  same  areas,  but
                           Sophie, with  Dave Allen and Lucy Piper
                                                                                          also  a  couple  of  new
                                                                                          ones  ad-lib.  I  think
                                                                                          there's like ten gigs or
                                                                                          something,             but

                                                                                          obviously,  we're  just
                                                                                          going  over  there  to
                                                                                          have  a  holiday  really
                                                                                          and  catch  up  with
                                                                                          people,  have  a  jam
                                                                                          here  and  there  and,
                                                                                          you  know,  also  catch
                                                                                          some sun because it’s
                                                                                          been bloody miserable
                                                                                          down here.

                                                                                          BiTS: Do  you  write
    music yourself, or do you write songs?

    SL:  I'm afraid I don't, no. I mean, I leave that to the more talented people. I just kind of bash along
    and try and keep up. But yeah, I'm not much of a writer myself. I'm strictly a bass player [laughs].

    BiTS: Perhaps you'll get inspired whilst you're in the States.

    SL:  Yeah, yeah, definitely. You know, to be honest, like Vince has written some great original
    material that we’ve been working on, and so I'm keen to get that together and showcase what
    he can do because I love his original stuff, so it'd be great to have that out there.

    BiTS: What's your kind of long-term ambition, Sophie? Have you got plans of where you would
    like to go and play or somebody you'd like to play with?

    SL:  Well, to be honest, Ian, I’m happy as Larry really. Vince has always been a big influence on
    me, a big hero to me. So it sounds really cheesy, I know, but it’s true and he knows that. So I'm
    really happy to be playing with someone like him and the way I see it is whatever he wants to
    do, I'll be quite happy to go and do it with him. Do you know what I mean or, you know, tag along
    or whatever? Well, one of my big ambitions is to get better at playing double bass because that's
    an endless challenge and it’s exhausting as well. So that's a big ambition to get better at that to
    the point where I feel like I'm actually a double bass player and not just an electric bass player
    clinging on for dear life [laughs]. So that's a big ambition. A big ambition also, to get Vince's
    original material out there and just have fun and play where ever anyone wants us. Yeah, I know
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