Page 30 - BiTS_04_APRIL_2024_Neat
P. 30

BiTS:  The band sounds amazing. Tell me something about the band.

    EB:    Well,  they  are  amazing.  They're  truly  phenomenal  players  and  Jonny  Henderson  on
    Hammond, Matthew Waer on bass, Matthew Jones on drums, Joe Wilkins, and they all played on
    my album “Shining in the Half Light”. So I basically toured with the same musicians that played

    on the record, and that's actually the first time that I've done that because I'd made two earlier
    albums in Nashville. So although they featured, you know, Joe on guitar or Jonny on organ, I
                                                                         hadn't done a record with my touring
                                                                         band, and we did that in 2020. And
                                                                         then going out with the band that you
                                                                         made the record with is just such an
                                                                         amazing thing to do. We added Demi
                                                                         in 2022 and she brought so much to
                                                                         the show as well, and it's really great
                                                                         having  another  female  vocalist
                                                                         because we all sing but having that
                                                                         sort  of  high-top  vocalist  has  just
                                                                         added so much, and she plays guitar
                                                                         and tambourine. And yeah, it's great.

                                                                         BiTS:    Was  there  stuff  that  went
                                                                         wrong?  Did  you  have  to  abandon
                                                                         some tracks? I guess you've already
                                                                         said that you didn't.

                                                                         EB:  I actually did. I abandoned one
                                                                         track, which was a cover, which I just
                                                                         wasn't  happy  with  my  vocal
                                                                         performance  on  it.  So  that  was  the
                                                                         only  one  I  abandoned.  And  I  do

                                                                         actually  have  another  version  of  it
                                                                         from another gig, but I decided not to
    put it on the album, so we've just dropped one. It was one of the encore songs. So yeah, there
    was one that got canned, but other than that, it's as the show rolled [laughs].

    BiTS:  Absolutely terrific. I love it. I love it. I’m to be playing some stuff on my radio show before
    very long.

    EB:  Oh, thank you for the support. I'm so glad you enjoy it.

    BiTS:  I think actually, to be honest with you, I think it's one of the better things that you've done.
    I mean, I liked the “Shining in the Half Light” album, but I think it's even better than that.

    EB:  Well, bless you. Well, thank you very much.

    BiTS:  Tell me what the future holds for you. You suggested to me that you're working on another
    album at the moment. What’s that?

    EB:  Yeah, that's my new studio album, which is going to be announced very, very soon and I've
    just signed a deal. So that's really exciting. I've been fully independent up until now and I've
    finally relented the control and thought it's just got a little bit too big for me to do by myself. And
    I'm really excited to be working with Cooking Vinyl on this new album and I'm excited about the
    album. We're in the final stages of mixing and it's all set to be mastered next week, so it's really,
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