Page 31 - BiTS_04_APRIL_2024_Neat
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really at the end of the musical creative process. And now it's all about getting the artwork sorted
and telling people about the new album.
BiTS: Does mixing come naturally to you? You've got a good ear?
EB: I mean, I'm not mixing it myself [laughing]. I definitely don't have the talent to do that, but
my producer, Dan Weller, is mixing it as we speak.
BiTS: Oh, okay.
EB: And it's a collaborative process, you know, so it's very much the two of us working together.
BiTS: And when is this likely to come out?
EB: Oh, you’ll have to wait and see [chuckling]. I can't tell you yet.
BiTS: Ah, you're being defensive then [laughs].
EB: Yeah, now the other people involved, I don't know what I'm allowed to say or what I'm not
allowed to say anymore, but all I'll say is we're going to be announcing it very soon. I'll get this
live album out and then I'll give you guys about a week or so to have a breath and then I’ll announce
the new album.
BiTS: Let's take a step back for a minute. Were you badly affected when COVID came along, and
gigs were cancelled? Did you have a lot of stuff that disappeared?
EB: Yeah. My goodness. Like so much stuff. So much stuff.
BiTS: As far as you're concerned, is that over now? Are the audiences coming back?
EB: I do think they are? Yeah, it definitely does feel like it's coming back, but it has been a really
long, hard road. I mean, getting shows back in Europe has definitely been a lot of hard work and
I know a lot of people will feel that they may have done well in their own country, but going back
out to other countries has felt a little bit like starting again. But it is coming back, and I'm pleased,