Page 32 - BiTS_04_APRIL_2024_Neat
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and I didn't think it sort of affected my career too much, but actually, now it probably did like
    everyone else’s, but I just made lemonade with the lemons.

    BiTS:  And what does the future hold for you? Like I said, you've got the Sidmouth gig coming up
    and one or two other festivals, I think as well. How is it looking for you in the future?

    EB:  It's looking very, very good. There's a lot of things that I have not been able to announce yet,
    but they're going to be announced quite soon and there's a lot of bucket list festivals that I've
    never played that I'm going to be playing and a bit more travel to be had. And, of course, once we
    announce a new album, there'll be a new album tour to go with it.

    BiTS:  Are you planning a big tour to go with the album?

    EB:  Yeah, yeah, yeah. There'll be a big tour to go with the album, yeah.

    BiTS:  And tell me something about the stuff that's on the new album. Is it new music, or is it
    covers or what?

    EB:  It's all new music. So all written by myself and co-writers and recorded with exactly the same
    team that did “Shining in the Half Light”, but with different backing vocalists. So Demi is singing
    on it. I've got another guy called Liam Cromby singing on it and a girl called Katey Brooks, all who
    are amazing artists in their own right. So it's a real pleasure to collaborate with everyone.

    BiTS:  Do you have any plans to go to the USA and do a tour there?

    EB:  I mean, if someone will pay for my visas, which I think are around £8000, then I'll happily
    go, but yeah, it's definitely on the cards, but you've got to go at the right time. The visas are
    extortionate, and I do think it's really important for people to know that. When they see artists
    going over to America like the amount of money that has been invested just to get people there
    and really hats off to people who are going because it is exceedingly expensive before you've even
    booked your flights. I feel really proud of all of my friends who've been going over and doing it.

    BiTS:  Tell us something about you. You've got a young baby, I believe. A boy or a girl?

    EB:  I've got a boy. He's almost three now, so time flies.

    BiTS:  Do you travel with the boy? What's his name?

    EB:  He's called Jasper, and no, he generally stays at home.

    BiTS:  Oh, okay and that's probably a bit of a wrench.

    EB:  Yeah, definitely. And actually it gets harder and harder as they get older.

    BiTS:  Yeah, I bet it does too.

    EB:  But I've had quite a lot of time at home over the last three months, so that's been really nice.
    I finished touring in November, so it's been nice to be in one place for a while.

    BiTS:  Tell me something, what are your aspirations for the future? Where do you want to be say
    in five years’ time?

    EB:  I really aspire to artists like Bonnie Raitt and Imelda May and Beth Hart. So following their
    kind of path, being able to sort of, you know, play bigger venues and just release quality music
    like I'm not in it for a flash-in-the-pan kind of career. I'm in it for the long haul, so yeah.

    BiTS:  Have you ever heard of a band called Beaux Gris Gris?
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