Page 10 - BiTS_01_JANUARY_2025
P. 10

GG:  Yes, I've had several proper jobs, in fact, probably too many to count – 20-odd
   proper jobs. My last proper job before I retired was as a trainer. I trained social
   workers, but before that I had been a residential social worker myself.

   BiTS:  Had you now. That's an interesting job. In a long-distant life, I was a police
   officer, believe it or not.

   GG:  Alright, I worked in a secure unit at a People Centre.

   BiTS:  Right, okay. Were you good at that job? Was that something you enjoyed doing?

   GG:  Ninety-five per cent of the time I really enjoyed it. The other 5% was a little

   physical as you might imagine.

   BiTS:  [Laughs] Tell me something about how you found music. I mean, obviously
   we’ll get onto that more in a moment, but how did you first find music as a kid?

   GG:  Well, listening at home, my dad played guitar. In fact, two yards away from me,
   I've  got  my  dad's  guitar.  I've
   never played it for a long time,

   but it's there. I can see it now.
   He  played  guitar  and  used  to
   listen to a lot of radio. He knew

   who  the  Irish  singer    Val
   Doonican was before anybody
   in  England  did  because  they

   used  to  listen  to  Irish  radio

   BiTS:  Really?

   GG:  So that's where my love of
   radio came from as well.

   BiTS:  And why the Irish ones? I don't follow that.

   GG:  I'm not sure exactly why. I never got the chance to ask him. He was always
   listening to something on the radio. He used to listen to people on trawlers, like ship
   to shore radio as well. He always had a valve radio with some cables running around

   the room to listen to all of this stuff.

   BiTS:  Oh, okay. Well, fancy that. Very interesting. And what about yourself, when did
   you first start to learn the guitar?

   GG:  Well, I picked up the one that my dad used to play. He actually tuned it in a
   different fashion, but I got my first own guitar when I was nine, which is also a long

   time ago, and obviously I was influenced by The Beatles. I used to play the traditional
   tennis racket until I got a guitar. I was George Harrison on guitar, and my brother was
   Ringo Starr on drums, which was actually a biscuit tin and a biscuit tin lid.
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