Page 16 - BiTS_01_JANUARY_2025
P. 16
GG: Absolutely. We haven't got five hours, so no, I can't really. The music just speaks
to me. The lyrics obviously speak to me when there are lyrics, the music it just
transports me somewhere, really. That's it.
BiTS: Have you seen the band live?
GG: Saw them twice, 1972 at Newcastle City Hall, and in 1990, I think it was, at
Wembley Arena.
BiTS: Oh, wow, that's a nice place as well. And do you have a favourite track of the
Grateful Dead?
GG: I've just before this call, I was just
listening to a new release of Jerry Garcia
and David Grisman. They've done the
album; a triple CD album has been
released. It's called “Bare Bones”, and it's
just those two playing and the track I was
just listening to was ‘Friend Of The Devil’.
BiTS: Alright. Okay. Now tell me
something about contemporary
musicians in this country. If you were
putting together a show now and you put
on stuff that you like, as you've already
said, who's going to front up the show.
GG: Well, Aynsley Lister I would put there
definitely. I'm just looking at the list of what I've played over the past few weeks.
Rebecca Downes I've played her version of ‘Crazy’. This week I opened the show
with that.
BiTS: I just downloaded that a couple of days ago. I haven't played it yet. It’s good,
is it?
GG: It is good, yes. Ian Siegel obviously features a lot. I’ve seen Ian play quite a few
times. I’ve supported him as well a couple of times. I'm just working my way through
here. Acoustically, Muireann Bradley, from Ireland. She's going big now. She just
signed a new record deal.
BiTS: She’s a strange lady in a sense. I'm not sure whether it's her management or
whatever, but I've been trying to get an interview with her for about a year now, I
suppose, and failed miserably.
GG: Yeah, I don't know what the deal is there. I've been asked if I could get an
interview with her, but I've never worked it out. I've never thought about getting
into it. Yeah, probably a management or her father, who is probably her manager