Page 23 - BiTS_05_MAY_2023
P. 23

JO:  Oh, I've had people fall on me, you know, pissed.

                                                                        BiTS:  That's funny, I spoke to a guy
       Danny Gatton
                                                                        called  Catfish  Keith.  I  don't  know
                                                                        whether you know Catfish Keith.

                                                                        JO:  Yes, he’s great. I've seen him. I've
                                                                        seen him. Yes, he's great.

                                                                        BiTS:    And  he  said  that  his  worst
                                                                        experience  was  when  a  pile  of
                                                                        speakers fell down on top of him.

                                                                        JO:  But I mean, I have people fall on
                                                                        me.  I  mean,  you  know,  when  we
                                                                        started  out,  you  know,  you  play  in
                                                                        places that don't like what you do, you
                                                                        know? But it's all character-building,
                                                                        in it?

    BiTS:  [Laughs] What a wonderful expression.

    BiTS:  Okay, that's fine. That's excellent. Listen, I won't take any more of your time. Thank you
    for your time.

    JO:  I appreciate you calling, you know, no problem at all.

    BiTS:  Thank you for your time and good luck with the rest of the gigs—the enormous amount
    of gigs—that you're getting, which I'm delighted to hear.

    JO:  Well, hopefully, you can come and see us one day.

    BiTS:  Yes, absolutely.

    JO:  Appreciate it. Thank you. I'll speak to you soon. Bye.
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