Page 16 - BiTS_07_JULY_2022
P. 16

BiTS:  You’ve got lots of gigs coming up in the future. Almost all of them for some time to come
    not in the UK. I think the first one in the UK is at the end of this month, isn’t it? That’s a
    masterclass looking at your list here.

    IS: The day after, I’m at the Eel Pie Club then I’m in Sidmouth. Then I’m back in July.

    BiTS:  How do you get on with the audience? Is there ever a language problem?

    IS: What abroad?

    BiTS:  Yes.

    IS: I sometimes have to  adapt a bit. I mean, a lot of my gigs are in The Netherlands and Austria,
    where everyone speaks very, very good English. You have to lose a bit of nuance occasionally
    and maybe simplify things a bit, but generally, they get it. Hungary, if you’re in the provinces, it
    can be a bit tricky, but they tend to respond in a different way. They have more of an
    emotional response to music and language is less important.

    BiTS:  That’s interesting. Why do you think that is?

    IS: I don’t know. The Hungarians I find in particular, I think their folk music is quite dark and
    bluesy in a way, so they really respond to very slow, dirty kind of stuff. They love Tom Waits,
    for example [laughing].

    BiTS:  I’m going to change the subject slightly, Ian. You have dozens and dozens of accolades,
    really with some justification. Considerable justification, which name you as a ‘truly great
    artist’, which I don’t disagree with. How do you feel about that kind of stuff?

    IS: Oh, I agree with it wholeheartedly [laughing].

                                                                 BiTS:  [Laughing] I thought you were going
                                                                 to say that.

                                                                 IS: Seriously, it’s hugely flattering, but I
                                                                 never tire of it. I don’t take it overly
                                                                 seriously, but I’d be lying if I said it didn’t
                                                                 mean a lot to me and it really justifies what
                                                                 I’m doing. That’s not why I do it, but it is
                                                                 nice. It’s great.

                                                                 BiTS:  Is it where you expected to be when
                                                                 you first started back in the past?

                                                                 IS: I had no expectations at all. I was just
                                                                 trying to make a living and I’ve never been
                                                                 particularly ambitious. Things kind of
                                                                 happened. I never really chased it - record
                                                                 deals or anything, it’s just sort of

                                                                 BiTS:  After this certainly limited if not no
                                                                 more touring, what are you long-term
    plans? You must have desires to do other things?

    IS: I don’t really. Like I said, I live in Curaçao in the Dutch Antilles and my wife and I maybe we
    can work out something together over there where I would be providing music while she does
    something different, but in one spot. But apart from that I haven't had to think about long-
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