Page 37 - BiTS_07_JULY_2022
P. 37
EN: Yes, I love George Thorogood and that’s one of the albums I listened to in high school in
the 80s. I love him. I love what he’s doing. I think he’s great, but I figured that if he’s bad to the
bone - well I’m a Detroit blues rocker. I’ve trained with Barrett Strong, so I gotta be badder to
the bone. It’s like let’s get the women out here!
BiTS: Have you ever thought of covering
‘Bad to the Bone’?
EN: Yes, I have. Maybe that’s coming up,
but I’d like to ask George, if you’re reading
this—get me on your show.
BiTS: I would really love to hear you do
EN: [Singing] B-b-bad, bad to the Bone. I
love it. [Singing] Bad to the Bone, yeah. It’s
rocking out because I can rock with the
guys, believe me.
BiTS: [Laughing] that’s wonderful. I won’t
take any more of your time, but I wish you
the very best of luck with this album. I
think it’s absolutely terrific. I’ve been
playing it on my radio show and will
continue to do so, and it’s great to speak to
you. Thank you very much indeed for
speaking to me.
EN: Absolutely. I love the UK, and when I come back, I hope to meet you and I was number five
on IBBA, so that’s really good news on that chart, so thank you to all my UK DJ friends and you
especially. Thank you so much.
BiTS: That would be wonderful. I look forward to seeing you sometime.
EN: And I do too. Thank you so, so much and have a wonderful day.
BiTS: Eliza, thanks very much indeed for speaking to me. I won’t take any more of your time.
EN: Okay.
BiTS: Bye then. Drive carefully.
EN: It’s been fun. Okay bye.
BiTS: Drive carefully.
EN: I will [chuckles]. Bye.
BiTS: Bye.