Page 35 - BiTS_07_JULY_2022
P. 35

we picked him up and took him out to eat and here we are, he recorded on two tunes. One
    more that is coming out soon too - that’s a secret for you!

    BiTS:  Do you have a favourite track on the album?

    EN:  On the new one, “Badder to the Bone”, I would have to say ‘Queen of the Nile’ because I
    just can’t get over the solo Lance played. When I played the song for them, it was just me and
    the piano and the guys came in, Jason Kott on bass. He’s fabulous, Peter Keys from Lynyrd
    Skynyrd on bass. I played piano and the drummer was Tim Grogan. They’re all out of Nashville
    and we rented the studio and my friend Mike Puwal - I’ve known him since 1997 - we’ve been
    working together for years. He’s kind of my right-hand man when it comes to co-producing
    and helping me in the studio.

                                                                     They did it in one take, Ian. One take.
                                                                     And Lance, I was so blown away by
                                                                     what he played, I was a little out of it
                                                                     after that - I can’t believe what I just
                                                                     heard and didn’t even ask him to do
                                                                     another pass. You usually do two, three,
                                                                     four passes for safekeeping, but I just
                                                                     decided that was it. Okay, let’s keep
                                                                     going and thank God nothing happened

                                                                     to that track because he did that in one
                                                                     take. We did the whole song in one take,
                                                                     and I wrote it and arranged it.

                                                                     BiTS:  Tell something about ‘Lockdown
                                                                     Love’, which sounds as though it might
                                                                     have been a real experience for you.

                                                                     EN: It was. Every word in that song is
                                                                     true [chuckles]. My friend Mike Puwal. I
                                                                     was at his house in Nashville. We were
                                                                     finishing the album and I said Mike, I’ve
                                                                     got an idea for this song. I want it to be
    really rocking, like a Led Zeppelin kind of thing and we came up with this track. He came up
    with this track on guitar and I said yes, that’s it. I took out my notebook of lyrics and my
    melodies and I sang it down to what he had and there was ‘Lockdown Love’, and I added
    background vocals and everything. But yes, it’s a true story. I ordered food on Amazon
    constantly. I mean, it was a nightmare and then went down the hall and started working out
    again, but it’s true. That song is hilarious. It makes me laugh [chuckling].

    BiTS:  I read somewhere that although you talk in the song about eating lots of stuff and being
    constantly in the refrigerator and all the rest of it, that you actually lost weight during the

    EN: I did. I did that. I’m one of those people who eats for a while and then I stop. Okay, that’s
    enough, the jeans are a little tight. I did end up losing weight. I went to Florida; I did write a lot
    of these songs in Florida. We did escape the lock-downs and I couldn’t take it anymore. I had to
    get in the car. We drove to Florida. I took my keyboard. We got this place. I stuck the keyboard
    in the window, looked at the palm trees, and I finished writing. That’s where I wrote ‘Queen of
    the Nile’, ‘King Kong’. All those songs I wrote on the piano staring at those palm trees and then
    I went to Nashville and laid it all out in the studio there and at Tempermill in Detroit.
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