Page 22 - BiTS_07_JULY_2024_Neat
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producer as well as engineer
                                                                                  because of the care and skill
                                                                                  he put into this album. I am
                                                                                  the     beneficiary      of    his

                                                                                  LL: What was the pandemic
                                                                                  like for you?

                                                                                  ET: I have just kept working.
                                                                                  I stay so busy that I don’t have
                                                                                  time  stop  and  think  about
                                                                                  things.     I   have      worked
                                                                                  remotely continuing to do my
                                                                                  radio  show  and  a  separate
                                                                                  full-time job as well. I made
                                                                                  time to write and record this
                                                                                  album  as  well.  I’ve  been
                                                                                  working 7 days per week for
                                                                                  several  years  now  and  I
                                                                                  should  probably  slow  down
                                                                                  but  I  don’t  know  how.  Or,
                                                                                  maybe  more  accurately,  I’m
                                                                                  too afraid to slow down. The
                                                                                  wolves are always nipping at
                                                                                  my heels.

     LL: What can we look forward to coming up for you?

     ET: I have my own signature guitar coming out this year from Delaney Guitars that I designed.
     Mike Delaney has taken my ideas, refined them from a luthier’s wisdom and expertise, and is in
     the process of building the prototype now. He is a master builder. I’m looking forward to the
     guitar hitting the market because it is going to be unique and will look and sound fantastic. It
     will be made in the USA and I’m proud of that as well.

     I’m also preparing to write and record the next album which will be the follow-up to “The
     Corner”. I’m going to try to take the next album higher than this one which is going to require a
     large amount of work. I’ll continue to work with my producer Jay Messina as long as he wants
     to work with me because he makes my recordings sound the best they can.

     ~ © Lawrence Lebo 2024

     Lawrence Lebo is an award winning, critically acclaimed Blues recording artist living in
     Northeast OH, USA. She can be found on the web at
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