Page 23 - BiTS_07_JULY_2024_Neat
P. 23


      Raphael Callaghan is a singer, harmonica and slide guitar player, a songwriter
      - and above all, a music enthusiast!  He's from Liverpool, UK and has his own

      style of acoustic blues, gospel and roots. He's had years of experience playing
      solo and in various groups and bands, and has played with such luminaries

      as Alexis Korner, Bonnie Raitt and Eric Bibb.

      Depite his ubiquitous presence, he remains strangely unknown.

      Ian McKenzie spoke to him on the telephone at his home.

    RC:  Hello.

    BiTS:  Raphael. Hello. How nice to speak to you.

    RC:  We speak at last [laughs]. I've heard your voice so often, but
    we've never spoken.

    BiTS:  Well, I never did. Yes, of course, I forgot you were a listener
    to my show on a fairly regular basis, I think?

    RC:  Yeah. Exactly, yeah. Ian, first of all, thanking you so much on
    behalf of myself and many, many others for your support for us. It's
    absolutely fantastic.

    BiTS:  My pleasure, and I always believe in supporting
    talent. I know you've been at the game for a long time,
    but what you do is outstanding.

    RC:  Ah, great. What I like about your programmes are
    that you don't just concentrate on the new releases
    like most shows do. They play it once and then that's
    it. But you constantly go back and it's fantastic.

    BiTS:  Glad to hear it. Raphael, let’s talk about that
    history of yours. You've been involved or interested

    in  the  blues  for  a  long  time,  since  you  were  a
    teenager, in fact.
    RC:  Yeah, I mean, growing up in Liverpool,

    obviously I was surrounded by the big groups
    of the early 60s because I was born in 1948
    and I came up like in the 1950s with the rock
    and roll stuff. We didn't have electricity yet
    in our house and we used to go down to my
    grandmother's  house  where  my  dad  and  his
    brother  would  play  their  78s.  They  had  Little
    Richard’s 78s and one that stood out to me was also
    ‘Blue Moon’ by Elvis Presley with all that beautiful
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