Page 28 - BiTS_07_JULY_2024_Neat
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books, really at that time. I did it all by ear. The same with guitar tunings, it’s all done by ear and
     by trial and error [laughs].

                                                                                              I  mean  we  used  to
         Raphael, on-stage with David Evans at THE GIG.
                                                                                              read  about  these
                                                                                              open  tunings  that
                                                                                              Robert Johnson and
                                                                                              Muddy Waters used
                                                                                              to  use,  and  the
                                                                                              crossed note tuning
                                                                                              that the likes of Skip
                                                                                              James used. I used to
                                                                                              experiment         with
                                                                                              those,  but  then  I

                                                                                              thought, well, if you
                                                                                              do      that     you're
                                                                                              copying.  So  I  was
                                                                                              trying to adapt and
                                                                                              change            those
                                                                                              tunings               to
                                                                                              something  else.  I
                                                                                              used  to  turn  this
                                                                                              string  up  and  that
                                                                                              string  down,  and
                                                                                              just  experimenting.
                                                                                              In the end, I came up
     with my own alternate versions of these tunings. Maybe people had already discovered them for
     themselves, but I can say that I discovered them, and I never copied them from a book or a record.

     BiTS:  And delightful it is too. Did you have a lot of problems when COVID came along?

     RC:  Oh, COVID was awful. The pandemic, because unfortunately I’d timed it all wrong. I had my
     new CD, “Blue Lies” all set up. It was released in the April 2020, just as lockdown began, and I had
     12 gigs that summer to promote it and they were all cancelled. So as you may or may not know,

     artists like ourselves, we generally sell CDs at our gigs, but there were no gigs. So I just sold at a
     trickle through the website. But luckily, I was able to get the gigs again, you know, but I'd spent
     so much money on the promotion and the advertising. You can never get that back.

     BiTS:  No. That's true.

     RC:  So that was a big problem for me. It's been selling well, since then and with the help of people
     like yourself with airplay, and I'm still gigging now, so I still sell at gigs. I remember reading an
     interview with Dave Peabody recently, where he was lamenting the fact that as a solo artist, he's
     having trouble getting gigs at festivals. He also said that he's lucky if he sells one CD at each gig.
     I’m fortunate in doing a bit more than that, but I can understand him.

     BiTS: Raphael, thank you very much indeed for your time, and seriously, I wish I could get to that
     gig in Liverpool, but unfortunately, it's a bit far from me.   You look after yourself, have a good
     time and stay safe. And once again break a leg at the gig with David Evans.

     RC:  Will do. Thanks ever so much. Ian, you take care, now.

     BiTS:  Thanks very much indeed.
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