Page 44 - Resurgemus
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infected when you touch a contaminated surface and touch your nose, eye or
               mouth before washing your hands

                Myth 5: 5G mobile network spread

                Viruses can't travel through radio
                waves/mobile networks covid-19 is
                spreading in many countries which
                does not have 5G mobile network so
                it is not right to think that 5G mobile
                network is responsible for spreading

               Myth 6: Exposing yourself to sun or temperatures above 25 degrees Celsius
               can prevent covid-19

               You can catch covid-19 no, matter how hot or sunny the weather is, so you
               should take all necessary precautions

               Myth 7: Being able to hold your breath for 10 seconds confirms that you are
               not infected by covid-19

               The best way to confirm whether you are infected with covid-19 is by taking a
               laboratory test. You cannot confirm it with this breathing exercise which can
               be dangerous

               Myth 8: Drinking alcohol protect you against covid-19

               Frequent or excessive alcohol consumption is injurious to health, it does not
               protect you from corona virus

               BY; K.M. HARISHANKAR
               CLASS: 10 B


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