Page 17 - Handbook_for_Teachers
P. 17
What do teachers make?
Once a teacher was asked, "Honestly, being a teacher requires so much effort. What
do you get?"
This teacher, who had a reputation for honesty and candour replied, "You want to
know what I get?"
She paused for a second, and then began. "Well, I get a kid to work harder than they
ever thought they could. I can make a C+ feel like the Medal of Honour because each
child learns at a different pace. We respect their self-esteem.”
"I can get these kids to sit through 40 minutes of class time when their parents can’t
get them to sit for five minutes without an iPad, Game Cube or Play Station."
She paused and continued, "You want to know what I get? I get these kids, out there
to wonder." PROLOGUE
"I get them to question everything."
"I can get them to apologize and mean it."
"I get them to have respect and become responsible for their actions."
"They don’t just learn to write; rather I gain when they write on their own. Just typing
things out isn’t everything."
"I get them to read, read and read."
"I get them to do their math problems, even attempt the tough ones, using their God-
given brain, not a man-made calculator."
“They learn with me the importance of being a lifelong learner and what it takes to
get there.”
"I make my students respect diversity in language and lifestyle and teach them to
preserve their unique cultural identity."
Prologue 15