Page 16 - Handbook_for_Teachers
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                                                     Comprehensive  feedback  from  everyone  involved  in  the
                           360-degrees feedback
                                                     teaching-learning process, incorporating all  view-points

                           Affiliation Bye-Laws      CBSE Affiliation Bye-Laws 2018

                           Clause                    A Clause of Affiliation Bye-Laws 2018

                           DIET                      District Institute of Education and Training

                           DIY                       Do It Yourself

                           DoSEL                     Department of School Education and Literacy

                           Head                      Principal of a school

                    GLOSSARY  KVS                    Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan
                                                     Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya

                                                     Ministry of Human Resource Development

                                                     National Council of Educational Research and Training


                                                     National Commission for Protection of  Child Rights
                           NCPCR                     National Curriculum Framework
                           NDMA                      National Disaster Management Authority

                           OASIS                     Online Affiliated School Information System by CBSE

                           RTE                       Right to Education Act

                           SCERT                     State Council of Educational Research and Training

                           SHAGUN                    Shala Gunvatta, an e-initiative of DoSEL, MHRD

                                                     Strength Weakness Opportunity Threat Test: a technique for
                                                     understanding  your  Strengths  and  Weaknesses,  identifying
                           SWOT Test
                                                     both the Opportunities open to you and the threats/challenges
                                                     you may  face

                           UDISE                     Unified District Information on School Education

                           UT                        Union Territory

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