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early is besT!
All children need support as they grow and learn, but some
children need extra help. It’s important to start intervention
early! For many families, ECI services may begin soon after
their baby is born.
Early intervention provides both immediate and long-term
benefits for children and families. If you are concerned
about a child, don’t wait to make a referral. Both family
members and professionals can make a referral by calling
ECI 361-573-0731.
eCi UndersTands babies
R3 ECI are experts in Infant and Toddler Development and
Parent Coaching
Early Childhood Intervention • ECI partners with families to help children grow, learn,
and stay healthy. Our staff has extensive training and
experience with the birth to age three population.
Region 3 ESC's ECI Program has been serving the babies and • R3 ECI has helped Texas babies and toddlers, birth to age
families in the R3 area since 1981. Our program provides services three, with developmental delays and disabilities for over
for children from birth to age three with developmental delays 40 years.
and disabilities through a parent coaching and training model. • ECI services benefit thousands of families and their
Services are done in homes, office, daycare or via telehealth. children each year. Many children reach developmental
proficiency prior to age three with ECI services.
We provide HHSC required services:
• Physical Therapy (PT) Professional Providers
• Occupational Therapy (OT) Professionals in ECI have vast expertise in working with
• Speech Therapy (ST) babies, toddlers, and their families. Each child has a team of
professionals who work with them based on their individual
• Specialized Skills Training (SST) needs. Our program stays fully staffed so that our babies
• Case Management have needed services consistently.
• DHH, VI, O&M (coordinated with LEA)
Licensed and/or credentialed professionals may include the
R3 - ECI Enhancement Services: following:
• Pathways Early Autism Intervention • Early Intervention Specialists (SST)
• Vital Stem • Speech-Language Pathologists (ST)
• Lactation Consultation • Occupational Therapists (OT)
• Infant massage • Physical Therapists (PT)
Our Victoria facility services include access to Motor Gym, Sen- • Registered Nurses (RN)
sory Calming Room, and “Rain or Shine” playroom. • Registered Dietitians
Small Group Services • Licensed Professional Counselors
Group services include the following: • Social Workers (Case Managers)
• Little Learners TransiTion serviCes
• Little Movers If a child has developmental concerns at age three, they
• Music Makers receive Transition Services.
• Baby Yoga Prior to age three, the family is informed of our transition
• SNAP-Ed services to district's head start, private therapy, etc. for after
Group services promote socialization and increasing develop- age three. These transition services are to help facilitate
mental skills through interaction with similar-aged peers. Parents continuity of services needed and assist districts in child find
are provided the opportunity to connect with other parents of
children with special needs. efforts.
PaThways early aUTism inTervenTion ParenT Training Program
What is Pathways?
• An evidence-based Parent Training Program for the birth to age three population to teach
parents to address the unique needs of their toddler with symptoms of autism or atypical
behavior patterns.
• ECI provides support from interventionists trained by program creators.
• Parents will learn skills and strategies to facilitate their child’s learning, development and
manage their behavior.
For more information, contact: Linda Ledwig (