Page 7 - Contract Services 2022_web
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esC region 3 ConTraCT serviCes oPeraTing ProCedUres
The following rules have been set to provide guidance to the fee structure for all contract services for ESC 3 districts.
Please call for out-of-region pricing.
Customized Services—To meet the unique needs of participating districts, ESC 3 will customize services based on
data and discussion with school leadership.
The daily rate for identified services is $950, and the half-day rate is $575.
Texas Instructional Leadership services utilize a different pricing structure and an individualized implementation
Enrollment pricing is calculated using the Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) reporting of
the prior year’s student count.
The hourly rate for identified services is $160.
The nonmember training fee for services is $165 unless indicated by a specific service.
A $10 fee will be added to all summer workshops.
Prices may vary for services offered in conjunction with external partners. Contact the specialist for details.
Contract services for the 2022-2023 period span September 1, 2022 through August 31, 2023.
Changes made after the contract is approved through the ConTracks+ System must be approved by the
superintendent. All changes must be processed by ESC 3 executive assistant, Kelly Hauboldt.
Proration of the contract amount for contract services participation beginning later than the first day or ending earlier
than the last day of the contract services period is at the sole discretion of ESC 3.
The return of funds to a granting agency due to Shared Services Arrangement (SSA)/Contract Services
participant noncompliance with Education Department General Administrative Regulations requirements is the
sole responsibility of the SSA/Contract Service participant. Resources and services provided by ESC 3 are solely
aligned with, and designed to support, the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) adopted by the State
Board of Education.
SSA and Contract Services Agreement—The terms and conditions of the SSA/Contract Service Agreement are
provided in this packet. Once services and products have been reviewed, please have the superintendent sign in to the
ConTracks+ system, click “available,” and start shopping. If you need assistance, please contact Kelly Hauboldt at 361-
573-0731, ext. 201.