Page 11 - Contract Services 2022_web
P. 11
arP homeless ii ssa
The intent and purpose of the American Rescue Plan (ARP) 2021, Homeless II (ARP-Homeless II) funding is to in-
crease local education agencies’ (LEAs’) and education service centers’ (ESCs’) capacity to identify, enroll, and provide
wraparound services to address the unique needs of homeless children and youth due to the impact of the COVID-19
Services Provided to Participating
Completion and submission of the ARP Homeless
II application and amendments, program needs
Data-driven plans, implementation support, and
record-keeping services.
Training and technical assistance
Addressing the unique needs of homeless and
unaccompanied youth Cost
Identification of homeless and unaccompanied youth ARP Homeless II Allocation
Support of homeless and unaccompanied youth Contact: Rosanne Wagner
bilingUal/eb/loTe serviCes
Bilingual/Emergent Bilingual (EB) services will provide research-based professional development and technical assis-
tance to member districts to assist in improving the success of Limited English Proficient (LEP) students.
Services Provided to Participating
Professional development
Instructional strategies for Bilingual/EB/LOTE Cost
classrooms Pricing based on number of identified LEP students
Sheltered Instruction enrolled
TExES ESL Supplemental #154 Review
On-site customized services Base fee ..........................$150 plus $25 per LEP student
0–200 LEP students—1 visit 1–500 LEP students ...............................Minimum $825
201–500 LEP students—2 visits Maximum $6,000
501+ LEP students—3 visits
Unlimited technical assistance via email, telephone, or 501+ LEP students ................................Maximum $9,000
virtual platform Contact: Missy Klimitchek