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TiTle i, ParT C, Carl d. Perkins
shared serviCes arrangemenT (ssa)
The Region 3 Title I, Part C, Carl D. Perkins SSA provides services to member districts through professional develop-
ment and technical assistance in developing and implementing quality CTE Programs of Study and meeting the require-
ments of the Title I, Part C, Carl D. Perkins Formula Grant.*
Services Provided to Participating SSA members will do the following:
Districts/Campuses Assign Title I, Part C, Carl D. Perkins CTE Formula
Serve as a fiscal agent for member districts Grant entitlement to ESC 3
Facilitate 2 planning meetings Designate a Carl D. Perkins contact person
Provide Industry-Based Certification (IBC) information Attend 2 planning meetings
Support completing the Comprehensive Local Needs Submit information needed for the completion of
Assessment (CLNA) the grant application, including biannual Perkins
Provide a web-based career guidance package with Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment, requests
for equipment and instructional materials, and
National Clearing House (NSC) student tracker and requests for professional development
work-based learning module
Professional development opportunities Comply with the required uses of funds
Registration for 1 participant to attend a CTE-related Ensure that CTE programs are of sufficient size,
scope, and quality to be effective; integrate academics
conference per district and CTE; provide CTE programs of study for students;
Unlimited technical assistance via email, telephone, and provide equitable participation for students who
or virtual platform are members of special populations
* Membership required for LEAs receiving under $15,000 Cost
in annual entitlement.
Title I, Part C, Carl D. Perkins entitlement for current
school year.
Contact: Gayle Parenica