Page 13 - Contract Services 2022_web
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essa federal granT Programs sUPPorT and serviCes
ESC 3 specialists will assist districts in the preparation and submission of applications, amendments, compliance
reports, and other documents associated with the Consolidated Application for Federal Funding (Title I, Part A; Title I,
Part D subpart B; Title II, Part A; Title IV, Part A), Title VI Application, SRSA Application, Annual Equity Data Survey,
private nonprofit reports, and required federal program compliance trainings.
Services Provided to Participating Cost
Districts/Campuses 4% of 2021–2022 Title I, Part A maximum entitlement
Minimum $1,650, Maximum $7,500
Option 1 Contact: Beverly Wyatt
On-site technical assistance and unlimited technical
assistance via email, telephone, or virtual platform for
the following: Option 2
Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) consolidated On-site assistance as requested at Region 3 daily rate
application for federal funding
Consolidated compliance reports for any required application or compliance report listed in
Private nonprofit participation/affirmation Option 1
Comprehensive Needs Assessments
Campus/District Improvement Plans Cost
At-risk/dropout/foster care/homeless R3 Daily Rate, minimum of 3 days
Validation support
Professional development
Parent and Family Engagement Initiative
esser (i, ii, iii, and sUPPlemenTal)
federal granT Program and serviCes
ESC specialists will assist districts in the preparation and submission of applications, amendments, compliance reports,
and other documents associated with the LEA Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER I, II, III,
& Supplemental) Grants. This includes providing support for quarterly reporting, providing necessary amendments,
providing financial accounting for ESSER funds, assisting the LEA by offering technical assistance and professional
development, and providing specialized services for districts.
Services Provided to Participating
Technical assistance in the form of on-site
consultations, web-based or cluster meetings,
and provide ongoing communication of essential
information and Texas Education Agency (TEA)
Training, technical assistance, and support of LEA
needs assessment and program evaluation and other
functions as required by the TEA
Regular meetings for designated contact person(s) as COST
.5% of allocation
Training and technical support for record keeping for
ESSER-related activities, including fiscal reporting Contact: Missy Klimitchek
requirements as related to the grants