Page 14 - Contract Services 2022_web
P. 14
gifTed and TalenTed serviCes
Our services are designed to inform districts of new mandates for gifted and talented services in the state of Texas
as prescribed in the Texas State Plan for Education of Gifted/Talented Students. On-site, telephone, email, technical
assistance follow-up, direct services, and professional staff development will be conducted to assist districts in meeting
mandates as well as developing and providing quality programs.
Services Provided to Participating
Basic 30 hours of initial Gifted/Talented (G/T) staff
development—unlimited teacher attendance
Online basic 30 hours of initial G/T staff
development—discounted rate
6-hour G/T updates
1 on-site 6-hour G/T update—up to 40 participants
District G/T plan review and appraisal
Comprehensive G/T program evaluation Cost
G/T social and emotional lessons and activities—1
every 9 weeks 22% of district Gifted and Talented Allotment up to
Unlimited technical assistance via email, telephone, $20,000
or virtual platform Contact: Mary Lea Pfenninger
sTaTe assessmenT serviCes
ESC 3 will support your district as you navigate the assessment waters. This contracted service is designed to inform
districts of and familiarize them with the State Assessment Program and the policies for STAAR, STAAR Alt2, TELPAS,
and Interim Assessments.
Services Provided to Participating
Fall district testing coordinator training
Monthly assessment updates
State formative and interim administration support
Spring assessment refresher training
Live assessment support during testing windows Cost
Unlimited technical assistance via email, telephone, $500 per participant
or virtual platform Contact: Ann Goodman