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TiTle i, ParT C, migranT edUCaTion Program
shared serviCes arrangemenT (ssa)
Qualifying school districts are invited to join the ESC 3 Title I, Part C Migrant Education Program SSA. Activities
provided through the SSA are supplemental in relation to what the participating districts are required to provide.
Services Provided to Participating
Completion and submission of the Title I, Part C ESSA
application, amendments, and compliance documents
Oversee and conduct identification, recruitment, and
data services
Assistance with organizing and operating a Regional
Parent Advisory Council and Secondary Student
Leadership Program
Coordination of supplemental services
Provide updates and staff development
Deliver regional support for migrant out-of-school
youth and early childhood
Submission of Texas Education Agency (TEA) Cost
validation on behalf of the district Title I, Part C entitlement for the current school year
Unlimited technical assistance via email, telephone, Contact: Missy Klimitchek
or virtual platform
TiTle iii, ParT a, english langUage aCqUisiTion
shared serviCes arrangemenT (ssa)
Title III, Part A, aims to ensure that English learners (ELs) and immigrant students attain English language proficiency
and meet the same challenging state academic content and student academic achievement standards all children are
expected to meet. Activities provided through the SSA are supplemental.
Services Provided to Participating On-site/virtual professional development (PD)
Districts/Campuses Entitlement $0–$10,000—1 face-to-face PD
Entitlement over $10,000—2 face-to-face PDs
Completion and submission of the Title III application Unlimited technical assistance via email, telephone,
and amendments or virtual platform
Provide training and technical assistance
Results Driven Accountability (RDA)
English language acquisition programs
Promoting parental and community participation in
language instruction programs
Meeting state and local certification and licensing
requirements for teaching ELs
Improving the instruction of ELs Cost
Increasing the ability of teachers to understand and Title III, Part A, entitlement for the current school year
use curricula, assessment measures, and instructional
strategies for ELs Contact: Missy Klimitchek