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                                                              digiTal learning CamPUs sUPPorT

            Do you have teachers struggling to incorporate technology into their classroom? Are you concerned about how students
            will practice new assessment item types featured in the STAAR 2.0 assessment. This contract service is designed to
            support every teacher at your campus and help them integrate digital engagement strategies and STAAR 2.0 item types
            into their daily instruction. Teachers will receive assistance and training in incorporating digital techniques (including
            Peardeck, Formative, Google Apps, Quizlet, Quizizz, Book Creator and Adobe Page/ Spark) for preparing lessons,
            activities, and assessments.

            Services Provided to Participating

               ƒ  2 (1 fall & 1 spring) face-to-face customized
               professional development sessions

               ƒ  4 (2 fall & 2 spring) implementation support visits  Cost
               ƒ  Unlimited technical assistance via email, telephone, or   $3,000 per campus
               virtual platform                                                                 Contact: Caitlin Riley

                       MTSS                                          S U P P O R T

                                                                     S E R V I C E S

                            The TIER Network provides comprehensive intervention best practices within a
                               multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS) for all stakeholders across Texas.

                      The ten modules below are related to best practices for MTSS. Each module is comprised of several pathways
                      including presentations, handouts, and resources to aid in the training and implementation of evidence-based
                                                        intervention practices.

                                      Contact Irene Schultz or Elyse Lieberman for more Information.

                                  INTRODUCTION                                       ACADEMICS
                       PHASE 1  PHASE 1  LEADERSHIP                     PHASE 3  PHASE 3  PHASE 3  PHASE 3  CULTURALLY RESPONSIVE


                       PHASE 2  PHASE 2  MENTAL HEALTH                  PHASE 4  PHASE 4  PROGRESS MONITORING

                                                                                 DECISION MAKING

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