Page 24 - Contract Services 2022_web
P. 24


        Online PD for your staff that is self-paced, interactive, and engaging. There are 140+ courses available.

        Services Provided to Participating Districts/Campuses

        Annual Requirements                 Classroom Management               School Improvement
           ƒ  Bloodborne pathogens             ƒ  Assessment strategies           ƒ  Collaboration tools for the
           ƒ  Teacher ethics                   ƒ  Classroom conflict               classroom
           ƒ  Sexual harassment                ƒ  Safety in K–12 science          ƒ  Digital citizenship for students
           ƒ  FERPA and PPRA in schools        ƒ  Bullying management             ƒ  Dyslexia awareness
           ƒ  Child abuse responsibilities     ƒ  BYOT classroom management       ƒ  Google, Adobe, and Microsoft
           ƒ  Suicide awareness and            ƒ  Customer service in education    trainings


                                                              $7/FTE + $500 maintenance fee
                                                                                         Contact: Laura Sprinkle

        Eduphoria is an online tool for educators that delivers support for data disaggregation, assessment creation, lesson
        planning, appraisals, PD, and more.

        Eduphoria Products include the                        Cost
        following:                                            New Sales for 2022–2023 School Year

           ƒ  Aware Analysis and Benchmarking: online analysis of   Aware*                               $2,355
            all state and local data                           Strive                                    $1,060
           ƒ  Strive: combines T-TESS/T-PESS with an internal   Aware Test Builder                         $350
            workshop system                                             * Requires Eduphoria Implementation
           ƒ  Forethought: lesson planning tool               Eduphoria Implementation

           ƒ  TEKSbank: test bank of STAAR-aligned test        Implementation and setup for Aware and Strive will
            questions. (May be purchased separately—does       need to be purchased from Eduphonia. Contact
            not require the purchase of Eduphoria.)   for details.

        Services Provided to Participating                    Renewals Only
        Districts/Campuses                                     Instructional Package                     $3,350
           ƒ  On-site support available at ESC 3 daily rate
                                                               Eduphoria Suite (all six applica-         $2,600
                                                               Aware (license/maintenance)               $1,650


                                                               TEKSbank for non-Eduphoria       $350 + $1.50 per
                                                               users                                     student
                                                               TEKSbank for Eduphoria users     $1.50 per student

        22                                                                                Contact: Cindy Neuvar
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