Page 259 - eBook Version 8 Book 1 of 2 JUL 2022
P. 259

Creating Research Patient Encounters
For Research participants who need an encounter created prior to the anticipated date of
serv ice, please send an email w ith their M edical Record Number and demographic information to the Patient Access Central Registration Team using the contact info below :
For any questions, please contact:
Ashley Talbot, Manager Patient Access Francheska Rivera, Team Leader Patient Access Plano Location: Alex Joseph, Manager Patient Access
Requests should be sent at least 48 hours in advance to the patient visit.
When you send the request, be sure to include, “Research Patient” in the Subject Line of theemail. SendSecurethroughMicrosoftOutlook.
Provide the following:
• patient’s name
• patient's MRN
• patient's Date of Birth
• patient's Date of Visit
• attending provider
• referring provider
For pro-band who need to undergo registration (parents, grand-parents or research participants undergoing research procedures) be sure to provide the child's MRN within the email.
The Central Registration team will ensure that these research patients are registered correct ly.
Patient Access Management, Children’s Health Last Updated 12/28/2018

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