Page 258 - eBook Version 8 Book 1 of 2 JUL 2022
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Creating Research Patient Encounters
4. UncheckAutosearchanduseScheduleScannerarrowstonavigatetothefuturedate youneedtocreatetheencounterfor. Doubleclicktheboxbelowthedateinthe Schedule Scanner toopen scheduling.
5. Highlightanytimeslotontheservicedate,doubleclickintherow,verifythe appointment displays in the lower table, select Schedule and Accept
6. Enter Attending provider, Referring provider and Accept. Complete required Registrationworkflow,select Finish. FutureappointmentforDALLABPAVILIONwill display in Patient Station Encounter or Appt Desk Future tab.
7. Onthedateoftheappointment,patientwillneedtohavefullregistrationcompleted upon arrival and the appointment must be checked-in from one of the following sources: Today’sPatientsReport,DAR,PatientStation,ApptDesk
Patient Access Services, Children’s Health Last Updated 12/28/2018