Page 257 - eBook Version 8 Book 1 of 2 JUL 2022
P. 257

Creating Research Patient Encounters
Encountersmaybecreatedforfuturedatesofserviceorforsamedayservice. Patient Access should not associate a research guarantor or research coverage to the encounter. Research associat ion is complet ed t hrough t he order placement process.
1. FromPatientStationortheAppointmentDesk,enterthepatientMRN. For new medical record creat ion, ent er t he full legal name, dat e of birt h, and gender of t he pat ient . New MRNs should only be creat ed when the patient has never been seen at any Children's Health service location/provider. Created new MRNs will be rare, always verify there is not an existing medical record before creating a new medical record.
2. ApptNote=ResearchEncounter/Lab,selectPavilionLabWalk-Indepartment
3. SameDayappointment:selectnextavailable5minslotandproceedwithstandard scheduling, registration, and check-in. Future dates of service: select Manual to open full appointment entry.
Patient Access Services, Children’s Health Last Updated 12/28/2018

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