Page 13 - RMAC 75th Anniversary Souvenir Booklet
P. 13

From  Gamma Kappa Sigma

                                  … to  Rocky Mount Alumnae


                  Gamma Kappa Sigma Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. consisting of  21 members

               was established on April 4, 1947 by  Soror Muriel Johnson, Eastern Regional Director. In 1958
                                 the name was changed to Rocky Mount Alumnae Chapter.

               The Chapter’s programs follow Delta Sigma Theta’s Five-Point Programmatic Thrust…. The chapter holds
               life membership in the NAACP and has been the recipient of several public service honors and awards in
               the community. Recognitions include: the Community Organization Award for Outstanding Achievement in
               Human Relations, volunteer work in the Red Cross, the Mental Health Association, Cancer II Prevention
               Survey, North Carolina Special Olympic Award for Leadership and Service, and the 2003 NC Governor’s
               World AIDS Day Volunteer Appreciation Award for Distinguished Community Service in the fight against
               HIV/ AIDS.
               Locally, the Chapter is involved in numerous civic, educational, and social projects, including: Sickle Cell
               Anemia, Operation Santa Claus, Boys & Girls Club, Communities in Schools, Martin Luther King Oratori-
               cal Contest, Jabberwock (scholarships awarded  total  approximately  $950,000),  Visions,  Inc.  (Senior  Citi-
               zens’  Day  Care), the  United  Negro  College  Fund, Goffney Book Awards, Delta Day at the State Capitol,
               Delta  Days  in  the Nation’s Capital, Friends of Braswell Library, Mental Health (Forgotten Patient), My
               Sister’s House, Harambee Festival, Golf tournament, Habitat for Humanity International, Twin County Ed-
               ucational Foundation,  Read-In  for  Tots,  Volunteer  Income  Tax  Assistance (VITA),  Martin  Luther  King
               Unity  Breakfast,  Delta  Academy,  Delta  GEMS,  EMBODI,  Financial  Fortitude,  North  Carolina  Special
               Olympics, United Community Ministries Shelter, Relay for Life, American  Heart Walk, Blood Drive, Sal-
               vation Army Bell Ringing, Scholarship Program and World AIDS Day.

               The current chapter membership is 125 members. Sorors with Delta membership of 50 years or more are:
               Sorors Jeannette Belfield, Edna Brown, Angela Bryant, Carolyn Edge, Fatina P. Gaston, Mary Hannon, Eve-
               lyn Hart, Jessie Jones, Gertie Lewis, Naomi P. Locus, Katherine N. Lucas, Claudia Spencer, Lesterine Sturdi-
               vant, Mary Bennett Sutton, Kay T. Thomas, Marilyn Hart Vines, and Gwendolyn Wigen. Chapter members
               have served on the regional and national levels of the Sorority in appointed  and elected positions, such as:
               chair and members of committees, members of choir, NC State Facilitator and Coordinator, Regional Confer-
               ence Secretary, Regional Secretary, Regional Choir Director and Co-Chair, National Committee of Board of
               Directors. Sorors Jennie Douglass Taylor, Edythe Robinson Tweedy and Mary Bennett Sutton were each
               elected Eastern Director and South Atlantic Regional Directors respectively.

               Rocky Mount Alumnae Chapter celebrates 75 years of service to the city of Rocky Mount and the counties of
               Edgecombe and Nash, April 4, 2022. The virtual program features Dr. Trish Johnson, Director, South Atlan-
               tic Region as keynote speaker.  North Carolina State Founders Day Celebration, “Behind the Mask” distribu-
               tion, Food to Mary’s Community Shelter and Thorne Chapel’s Pantry, Snacks for Teachers at four
               Edgecombe/Nash schools , Donut Delivery to Healthcare Workers and First Responders, Worship with Five
               area churches, City of Rocky Mount Proclamation, and  the 75  Anniversary Watch Party are all projects im-
               plemented by the committed members of RMAC.  “Anchored in Service: Preparing Rocky Mount Alumnae
               for the next 75 Years” is constantly being fulfilled under the very capable leadership of President Barbara B.
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