Page 10 - Summary 6 2025
P. 10

Delta Modern Language Schools
     Science department
     Grade 6
     1st term 2024- 2025

 • Sap vacuole:

 -It is a large sac-like organelles.
 -The plant cell has only one special big vacuole called "sap vacuole".
 -It stores nutrients, water and waste material inside the plant cell.

 • Chloroplasts:
 -They are sac-like organelles that contain tiny green granules.
 -These granules have green color G.R

 Because they contain a green pigment called chlorophyll

-They have chlorophyll that absorb the energy of sunlight for the plant to make

  its own food through the photosynthesis process.


  1.The animal cell has many and small vacuoles.

   • Small vacuoles:-

   Its Function : They store nutrients, water and waste materials inside animal cell.

 2. The animal cell doesn't have cell wall so it doesn't a definite shape as plant cell.
 3. Animals have other structure to keep their shapes such as

     -Some animals have bones such as cats, dogs ….etc.
     -Some animals have hard shell-like cover called "exoskeleton" that gives them
     their shapes such as some insects.

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