Page 30 - Summary 6 2025
P. 30

Delta Modern Language Schools
Science department
Grade 6
1st term 2024- 2025

Materials are divided into two types according to attraction to the magnet:

Magnetic materials                    Non-magnetic materials

       • They are materials that are  • They are materials that are not
          attracted to the magnet.       attracted to the magnet.

       • Example: iron, nickel and    • Example: aluminum, plastic
          cobalt.                        and wood.


 ❖ Structure:

   -Large magnets

   -Coiled wires
  ❖ Function:
It changes mechanical energy into electrical energy used in lighting houses

and operating electrical devices.
 How does a generator work?

When large magnets spin at a high speed, the spinning magnets create electrical
charges on the coiled wires, so electricity is produced.

There are different forces that can be used to make the magnet spin:

 Water in dams                       Winds                  Sources of fuel as
                                                                oil and coal
Used to operate water          Used to operate wind
 turbines causing the          turbines causing the         Used to make water boil
                                                            producing steam which
    magnets in the                 magnets in the             causes the magnet in
  generator to spin.             generator to spin.          the generator to spin.

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