Page 32 - Summary 6 2025
P. 32

Delta Modern Language Schools            When the switch is opened
Science department                         (turned off), it opens the
Grade 6
1st term 2024- 2025                     electric circuit, so the electric
                                               current can't pass.
       When the switch is closed
        (turned on), it closes the
     electric circuit, so the electric

              current passes.

                     Types of materials

Electric conductors                         Electric insulators

They are materials through                  They are materials through
which electric current flows                which electric current does
easily.                                     not flow easily.
Examples: all metals & water.               Examples: Rubber & plastic

• Most electric wires are coated with rubber or plastic G.R
Because they are bad conductors of electricity to protect people from electric

• Touching non insulated wire that an electric current flows through

causing an electric shock and may cause death. G.R

Because the human body contains a lot of water which is good conductor of

electricity.                            29
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