Page 22 - Summary 6 2025
P. 22

Delta Modern Language Schools  ❖Its role during danger:
Science department
Grade 6
1st term 2024- 2025

           The circulatory system depends on the lungs to do its function,


Lungs      Lungs take in oxygen gas, and release carbon dioxide gas.

diaphragm           ❖ When the diaphragm muscle contracts, the lungs take in
                       the air rich in
                       oxygen gas.

                    ❖ When the
                       muscle relaxes,
                       the lungs release
                       the air rich in
                       carbon dioxide

The carries oxygen from lungs to all the body organs and other
bloodstream tissues

                               During the fight – flight response.

• releases                     • pumps blood             • provides
  hormones to                    quickly around            different organs
  fight the danger               the body                  with oxygen such
  or to run away                 carrying oxygen,          as muscles and
  from it.                       nutrients and             brain.
                                 hormones to
Endocrine                                                Respiratory
System                         Ccirecllus.latory         system

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