Page 26 - Summary 6 2025
P. 26

Delta Modern Language Schools  The Excretory System
Science department
Grade 6
1st term 2024- 2025

The body must get enough food, water and air to do its function in a
correct way.

         Skin                  Respiratory              Urinary system
• When you sweat,                                    • It removes waste
  waste leaves the             • When you exhale,      materials from the
  body through pores             your body gets rid    blood in the form of
  in your skin.                  of another waste      urine.
                                 material which is
                                 carbon dioxide.

Excretory                      It is a system that is responsible for storing
system:                        and getting rid of waste materials
                               produced from cells.

What are the body parts that are responsible for excretion process?

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