P. 101
Teacher’s Report
The ISA project on Indigenous Games for students of Grade VI and
VII aimed to revive the forgotten indigenous games. The sports
teachers made the students play the traditional games like Kho kho,
Langdi, Kabbaddi of their own country as well as indigenous games
like Shadows, Ten Ten, Corre Corre La Gauraca of Ireland, Nigeria,
and Chile respectively. The Kabaddi and Kho Kho games had to
organised in the month of December instead of September due to rains.
beThe students thoroughly enjoyed playing these games. Kabaddi and
Kho Kho match was organised between rival Houses.
Master Krishnan showed Power Point Presentation to familiarise the
students with different traditional games played across the world. This
aroused the interest of the students in the indigenous games of foreign
countries and they surfed on internet with the help of teachers to know
more about these games. There was Elocution competition for students
instead of Essay writing competition as mentioned in the action plan.
The topic was ‘My favourite Indigenous Game.’
A debate was organised on the topic Indigenous Games vs. Modern
Games. The class was divided into two groups. One group of students
spoke in support of Indigenous games while the other group tried to
defend Modern Game.’ The ISA project succeeded in arousing interest
of the students in indigenous games.
The project teacher in-charge